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CUTEK® Colortone Pre-Mixed Stains-image
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CUTEK® Colortone Pre-Mixed Stains-image
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CUTEK® Extreme Wood Protection Oil is sold clear, which allows the wood to age gracefully into a beautiful silver patina on exposure to sunlight. However, if you’d like to retain the natural freshly oiled color of the wood you’re working with, add a CUTEK® Colortone to the clear oil. Choose one of these Colortones which have been specifically developed to closely match many popular wood species.

For best results, select a CUTEK® Colortone that is close to the natural shade of the wood species being coated. To get an idea of what a Colortone may look like on a wood species we offer samples of the pre-mixed CUTEK® Colortones. Also please refer to the CUTEK® Colortone Specs with complimentary species/stain color suggestions HERE: https://cutekstain.com/us/product/colortones/

Order a sample of CUTEK® Colortone for $10.00 HERE which can be applied as a credit towards your full purchase.

In Stock: Yes
Brand: CUTEK®
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CUTEK® Colortone Pre-Mixed Stains-image
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CUTEK® Extreme Wood Protection Oil is sold clear, which allows the wood to age gracefully into a beautiful silver patina on exposure to sunlight. However, if you’d like to retain the natural freshly oiled color of the wood you’re working with, add a CUTEK® Colortone to the clear oil. Choose one of these Colortones which have been specifically developed to closely match many popular wood species. For best results, select a CUTEK® Colortone that is close to the natural shade of the wood species being coated. To get an idea of what a Colortone may look like on a wood species we offer samples of the pre-mixed CUTEK® Colortones. Also please refer to the CUTEK® Colortone Specs with complimentary species/stain color suggestions HERE: https://cutekstain.com/us/product/colortones/ Order a sample of CUTEK® Colortone for $10.00 HERE which can be applied as a credit towards your full purchase. Read More
In Stock: Yes
Brand: CUTEK®
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