Rustic Oak Plywood Back to Catalog Hardwood < > Rustic Oak Plywood Desc. Sizes Quote We carry rustic oak plywood in 1/4″ and 3/4″ thickness. This plywood is available in a Veneer Core (VC) and Combination Fiber Core (CFC), in 4' × 8'. Categories: Hardwood,Plywood Sub-Categories: Tag: White Oak Item#: 2360 - (1/4" x 4' x 8') A4 VC Item#: 2362 - (3/4" x 4' x 8') A1 CFC NAUF Quote Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Zip Code (required) Product Inquiry Name Please provide more project details. Please prove you are human by selecting the tree. Δ Next Product Edge Banding for Plywood (VARIOUS) Previous Product Hickory Plywood